Whiskey Sour Recipe

The Must-Have Whisky Cocktail - Whiskey Sour

Welcome to Cocktail Connexion. Discover our collection of Whisky-based cocktail recipes. Here is the recipe for the classic Whisky Sour.

This cocktail is a must-try for whiskey enthusiasts. Get ready to delight your taste buds by following these simple steps.

cocktail whisky recipe whisky sour

Whiskey Sour Ingredients:

2 oz whiskey
1 oz fresh lemon juice
0.75 oz simple syrup
1 egg white
Ice cubes

Whiskey Sour Instructions:

In a shaker, combine 2 oz whiskey, 1 oz fresh lemon juice, and 0.75 oz simple syrup.
Add 1 egg white and some ice.
Shake vigorously for about 15 seconds.
Remove the ice from the shaker and shake again for 5 seconds to foam the egg white.
Strain the mixture into a whiskey glass filled with ice.
For decoration, you can add a lemon slice or a cherry on top of your glass.
Enjoy your Whiskey Sour!

Discover more Whiskey based cocktail recipes by visiting our dedicated section at Cocktail Connexion

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