San Francisco Recipe

Tropical Escape - The San Francisco Cocktail

Welcome to Cocktail Connexion, your destination for colourful and fruity cocktails. Today, we present you the San Francisco, a sweet and exotic cocktail that instantly transports you to sunny horizons. This vibrant blend of orange juice, pineapple juice, grenadine, and vodka is perfect for those looking for a refreshing and festive drink.

Ideal for summer evenings or to add a touch of sunshine to your day, the San Francisco is a must-have choice for lovers of tropical flavors. Follow our detailed guide to prepare this recipe and impress your guests with a cocktail full of color and freshness.

recipe cocktail vodka san francisco

 San Francisco Ingredients :

  • 3.5 cl vodka
  • 2.5 cl banana liqueur
  • 8 cl orange juice
  • 1 cl grenadine syrup

San Francisco instructions:

  1. In a shaker filled with ice, pour vodka, banana liqueur, and orange juice.
  2. Shake vigorously for 10 seconds.
  3. Strain the mixture into a cocktail glass.
  4. Slowly add the grenadine syrup to create a sunset effect.
  5. Do not stir; let the grenadine descend naturally.
  6. Admire the gradient of colors in the San Francisco Sunrise and savor this tropical experience.

Cocktail San Francisco captures the tropical brilliance with vibrant notes of vodka, banana liqueur, and orange juice. Ideal for those seeking a sunny experience in a sip.

Discover more Vodka based cocktail recipes by visiting our dedicated section at Cocktail Connexion

Discover more Vodka Cocktail Recipes