Jägerbomb Shooter Recipe

Jägerbomb Shooter - Energy Bomb

Discover the Jägerbomb, an energetic shooter that combines the power of Jägermeister with the fizziness of an energy drink. A burst of flavors and energy in a single shot!

recette jagerbomb shooter jagermaster redbull

Ingredients for the Jägerbomb:

3 cl of Jägermeister
1 can of energy drink (Red Bull or similar)


Fill a shot glass with 3 cl of Jägermeister. In a separate glass, pour the energy drink.
Gently lower the energy drink glass into the Jägermeister glass, allowing the two liquids to mix at the moment of consumption.
Serve promptly and consume immediately to enjoy the effervescence of the Jägerbomb.

The Jägerbomb Shooter offers a unique combination of flavors and energy. Ideal for those seeking a stimulating and dynamic shot.