Zombie Brain Shooter: Spooky and Delicious Shot Recipe

Zombie Brain Shooter

Discover the Zombie Brain, a spooky and visually striking shooter that resembles a bloody brain. This creepy cocktail combines peach liqueur, Baileys, and a dash of grenadine for a gory effect.

zombie brain shot recipe

Ingredients for the Zombie Brain Shooter

  • 2 cl of peach liqueur
  • 1 cl of Baileys Irish Cream
  • A dash of grenadine

Steps to Make the Zombie Brain Shooter

  1. In a shot glass, pour the peach liqueur.
  2. Carefully add the Baileys to create a curdled, brain-like texture.
  3. Add a dash of grenadine for a "bloody" effect.

Tips and Variations

For an even more chilling look, use a dropper to control the "blood" streaks from the grenadine. You can also add a bit of crème de menthe for a greenish hue.

History of the Zombie Brain Shooter

The Zombie Brain is a popular Halloween shooter, loved for its gruesome appearance and sweet taste. Perfect for adding some fright to festive gatherings.

The Zombie Brain Shooter is ideal for themed parties or Halloween. Share this recipe to spook and delight your friends with this creepy shot!

Discover more shooter recipes by visiting our dedicated Cocktail Connexion section.