
The Recipe for Caipirinha 

Welcome to Cocktail Connexion, where we unveil the Whiskey Collins recipe. This refreshing cocktail is perfect for Cachaça enthusiasts. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds by following these simple steps.

Cocktail Cocktail Recipe Ingredients Shaker Homemade Aperitif Kitchen Mixology Steps


2 oz of cachaça
0.7 oz of cane sugar syrup
1 lime, quartered
Ice cubes


  • In a glass, add the quartered lime and cane sugar syrup. Using a cocktail muddler, gently crush the lime quarters to release their juice and flavor.
  • Add the cachaça and stir gently.
  • Add ice cubes to the glass until it's about 3/4 full.
  • Stir again to mix the ingredients.
  • Garnish your Caipirinha with a lime quarter.
  • Serve and enjoy your refreshing Caipirinha!
Note: If desired, you can replace the cane sugar syrup with powdered sugar and add a little water to make homemade sugar syrup. You can also replace the lime with another citrus fruit, such as lemon or orange.