Virgin Raspberry kir

The recipe of Virgin Raspberry Kir 

Welcome to Cocktail Connexion, where we reveal the recipe for the Virgin Raspberry kir . This cocktail is a must-try for non-alcoholic cocktail enthusiasts! Get ready to delight your taste buds by following these simple steps.

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15 cl white grape juice
5 cl raspberry puree
Sparkling water
Some raspberries for garnish
Ice cubes


  • Start by preparing the raspberry puree. Blend fresh raspberries until you obtain a smooth puree. You can add a little water if needed.
  • In a cocktail glass, pour the white grape juice.
  • Then, add the raspberry puree to the glass.
  • Fill the rest of the glass with sparkling water to add a fizzy touch to the cocktail.
  • Gently mix the ingredients using a stirring spoon.
  • Add some ice cubes to chill the cocktail.
  • Garnish with a few fresh raspberries for a decorative touch.
  • Serve immediately and enjoy this delicious Non-Alcoholic Raspberry "Faux Kir"!
  • Savor this fruity and refreshing cocktail during your relaxing moments!


Enjoy your virgin Raspberry kir !

    Discover more non-alcoholic cocktail recipes by visiting our Cocktail Connection section dedicated to this!